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Что систематизируется
Таблицы, что анализировать, как собирать, как автоматизировать
Как подбирать, как оптимизировать, управлять
Постановка и контроль, передача ответственности, баланс полномочий и ответственности
Разработка продуктов
Методология и подача
We create animated key visuals for young brands, advertising promo videos, and installations.
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
Для кого
Владельцы и руководители онлайн-проектов
We are a leading firm in providing quality to our customers. Each member of our team has at least five years of legal experience. We really love what we do.
Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us during the weekends and at night. You can also visit our office for a personal consultation.
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success at all levels.
Последовательность шагов при систематизации
High Quality
We are a leading firm in providing value to our customers. Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience.
Good Support
Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night.
Individual Approach
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client.
Intensely Focused
We use a unique technique that allows us to better focus on our clients' problems.
Варианты работы
We offer a wide range of creative services. Take a look at what we can offer to your company.
Индивидуальная консультация
We develop the main conception of a company according to the company's targets, and develop strategies of competitive advantage. We explore the dynamics of your market industry, competitors' cases, explore trends, and use new technologies for promoting your brand.
Наставничество в группе
We help create specialist portraits, develop ways of personnel training. We develop branding for new companies or rebrand products. Our advantages are company identity, packaging, brand auditing, copywriting, brandbooks, etc.
Индивидуальное наставничество
Developing new products and business processes, timeline development, cost estimation, ways of motivation, documentation, and everything that is important for a company.
Интегрированное управление
Отдельные задачи систематизации
We assist and support our clients to develop their business rapidly and successfully
Настроить аналитику
Оптимизировать команду
и масштабирование
Преимущества работы со мной
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • Hight Quality
    We are a leading firm in providing quality and value to our customers. Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience.
  • Good Support
    Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night. You can also visit our office for a personal consultation.
  • Individual Approach
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
Обо мне

Андрей Миляев

Старший партнёр, руководитель и эксперт Высшей Школы Удалённых Профессий, продюсер, эксперт по систематизации бизнеса, упаковке и продажам онлайн-курсов

  • В бизнесе с 1995 года
  • Суммарный оборот компаний под управлением: более 90 000 000 $
  • Создал с нуля более 7 брендов, из них 3 вывел в лидеры рынка за год
  • Основатель школы для экспертов и продюсеров iBusiness №1 с оборотом 35 млн. рублей за 2018-2021 гг.
  • 14 лет в инфобизнесе 7 из них – в онлайн
  • Запустил 9 школ с оборотом 38,1 млн руб.
  • Навёл порядок и вывел из кризиса 5 онлайн-школ с общим оборотом более 200 млн. руб.
  • Более 1000 учеников своих курсов

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о моей работе и обучении
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